Cala Mijas Beach
The beach is easily accessible for disabled. Very comfortable access from the car park to the walk and up to the beach, with wooden footbridges that come up to the showers. It is necessary to emphasize the fishermen’s small boats that occupy part of the beach. There is a juvenile hostel in the walk that good rogue has.
This beach has showers and public toilets, special facilitys for disable, as well as being watched over by life guards in the summer season.
Type: City beach
Size: Small (800 m)
Average width: 30 m
Type surface: Fine sand.
Surge: Moderate
Torrevieja Beach
The Torrevieja Beach, also called La Butibamba Beach, extends up to The Cala Mijas Beach, chained all for the same sandbank. You can come from different accesses and the names of different zones of the beach come determined by the urban developments that are on the foot of the beach.
This beach has showers and public toilets, beach umbrellas and hammocks and a parking area.
Type: Urbanized
Size: Medium (100 m)
Average width: 35 m
Type surface: Fine golden sand.
Surge: Moderate