We have collected the most useful information about Malaga for you to access here – from facts about Malaga that you might not have known, to travel tips and information and maps of Malaga.
Malaga information and facts
Malaga Directory
A comprehensive directory of websites for information and companies in the province of Malaga.
Festivals, Ferias and fiestas in Malaga
The local ferias in Spain contribute much to the local culture and passion. Malaga has its fair share of holidays, and you can find details of them all here.
Andalucia Summer Ferias
The main towns and cities in Andalucia celebrate with festivities that last up to a week long! You can find details of the main ones here.
Malaga Airport Information
How to get to Malaga Airport. Which airlines fly to Malaga Airport? General Malaga Airport information.
Malaga weather
Today’s weather, averages and sea temperatures.
Malaga Maps
Map of Andalucia
Andalucia – Spain’s largest Autonomous Community.
Malaga Province Map
Malaga is one of eight provinces in Andalucia.
Malaga City Centre Map
Malaga is the largest city in the province of the same name.
Pictures of Malaga
Malaga tourist tip
Do not forget to taste the typical fried fish in Malaga at any of the many “chiringuitos” across the promenades of the Costa del Sol.