About 3 hours.

Route Sierra Ardales – El Chorro – El Gaitanejo

We start leaving the Hamlet of El Chorro, taking the track that running alongside the railway leads northeastward towards the pass that is already visible.

It good to take precautions due to the proximity of the train, we shall approach the mountain pass in order to take another track and reach some artificial stairs embedded in the walls, crossing the aforementioned pass through a bridge hanging over the water.

Here starts a track built at the beginning of the century knows as the “king path” because the king used it to visit this surprising spot is not well preserved so some safety measures should be taken.

The Gaitanes mountain pass, seen from this impressive perspective, constitutes a unique and necessary experience if we want to walk on into the inner valley, of tranuil waters and warm prairies.

On the left border of the valley, still northeastwards, a track runs on through the valley and we took another mountain pass in order to reach the Gaitanejo, where there are some tracks to its left leading to the road.