Rincón de la Victoria was a fishing town up to twenty years ago, but it has now become an important centre of both residential and seasonal tourism.

The municipality covers an area of 30 square kilometres, and offers something for everybody: lots of hotels, restaurants and bars, ten kilometres of coastline for water sports or simply lying in the sun, an excellent golf course and other sporting facilities.

The found archaeological rest in the Cave of the Treasure demonstrate that this place was populated from remote times.

Towards the 50 a.C. the Phoenicians were based in the hill of Benagalbón.

Later, during the Roman period, a fortified population Bezmiliana was constructed. But it is during the andalusí time where the city acquires more notoriety and the category of medina, because in the S. XI Al-Idrisi it speaks to us of his two mosques, tunny nets, etc. and in the s. XIV Yusuf I constructs to diverse towers almenaras in the coastal strip.

With the arrival of Kings Catolicos a declivity takes place that continuous until XVIII century, when Carlos III reconstructs these towers almenaras and carries out the construction of Casa-Fuerte de Bezmiliana.

The present name of Rincón de la Victoria comes by the installation in its earth from the Order of the Minimums and their convent of the Victory.