In Mijas Pueblo there is a population of about 7500 inhabitants, wich placed in the hillside of Mijas’s saw..

In Mijas you will find all kinds of services: Health centre, schools, institute, cultural centre, public library, etc.

Las Lagunas is the modern area of the municipality where the industrial and comercial areas are found. Here you can also find all the pertaining services of a big municiplaity: Health Centre, Sports facilities, schools, institutes, Cultural Centre, library, etc.

Donkey Taxi

Avda. Virgen de la Peña, s/n. 29650 Mijas
+34 627 02 69 58
Opening hours:
Winter: 10 AM / 6 PM
Summer: 10 AM / 10 PM
Donkey-Taxi: 7 Euro
Little coach of donkey: 14 Euro
Coach of horses: 20 Euro